Sunday, November 20, 2005


Haji Noor Deen !!!



The Great Inspirator, Teacher and Master of Calligraphy is back in town!!!

If my 'followers' recall correctly we managed to get his pics onto Tranquilart:
one here

Unfortunately I was too busy in the Tranquil Minds exhibition so couldn't go to see him :-( But am soo happy as the 'wait' has been worth it!

Photo Credit: Salma Ravat for Tranquilart, December 2004, BM&AG, West Midlands.

Birmingham University Islamic Society are hosting him on Tuesday 22nd November!!!






Arab dress / Getting your name done in Chinese / Arab tea & sweets served from a Mongolian Tent / an exhibit of local talent [members of the Artists Circle]...

Just click the above pictures for further info :-P

Haji Noor Deen
Islam In China

SO - hope you can all trek this side for a mass union :-)

Peace and Prayers
I wish I could make it! Make sure you get your name in Chinese :D

And tell me about this Coffee Club Madam? (Traitor to the tea drinking Pakistanis :P)

Wa salaam :D

My name in Chinese? Now that does sound fabbady-doo!

Coffee Club? lol

I am no traitor dear Bhaji-jaan. I hate coffee. I gave it up 7 years ago and can't even stand the smell now >_<
What I meant was the Coffee Culture Club. This is a club open to all who work like no tomorrow in organisations. What it means is: every hour the kettle is put on and everyone must drink a cuppa... adding to their daily caffeine intake - yuck - not to mention wrecking up their skin with soo much intake!

Do as Bint says and stick to 1 or 2 cups per day :o)

If I didn't suffer from migraines I'd recommend 1 cup of the bogstandard tea, but I need my "shot of caffeine" to wake me up in the morn :)

Btw that Ginger Tea is way-strong dear >>>_<<<
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